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Registered Consultants Programme

Setting the highest standard of arboricultural consultancy in New Zealand


The purpose of the NZ Arb RC programme is to advance excellence by setting a high standard of technical ability for New Zealand’s arboricultural industry. It’s owned and promoted by the New Zealand Arboricultural Association (NZ Arb) with the aim of establishing the highest level of accreditation available for supervising and consulting arborists within New Zealand. In doing so, the programme will help applicants to meet that standard in a stepwise fashion that sets a clear career pathway.


The award of NZ Arb RC status (which applies to an individual, not an organisation or company) is made following a rigorous assessment process. Once accepted, all members are required to meet prescribed business and professional standards, as well as meet continued professional development (CPD) and quality assurance requirements.

At the core of the programme, is our mission statement.

“To promote and facilitate through education and support, a framework of accreditation for New Zealand’s technical arborists and arboricultural consultants. One which recognises the highest level of professionalism and expertise in the arboricultural industry while providing career development opportunities.”

— NZ Arb RC Mission Statement —

Benefits of joining the programme

Professional achievement & reputation


The highest level of professional status for supervising and consulting arborists in New Zealand arboriculture.



Entry in an online directory held and actively promoted by NZ Arb via its website and at events such as shows, exhibitions, seminars and conferences. Use of the unique NZ Arb RC logo.

Business opportunity


Access to clients who use NZ Arb RC status as a criterion for the preparation of tender lists or when locating a consultant remote from their normal area of operation.

Continued development


Incentive to maintain an appropriate level of CPD, supported by a rigorous Quality Assurance system.

Benefits to the client

The NZ Arb RC programme will provide potential clients with access to a network of experienced consultants administered by New Zealand’s leading arboricultural industry organisation, ensuring local and central governments, other professionals, and the general public have access to the highest standard of arboricultural consultancy in New Zealand.

The NZ Arb RC programme will provide a list of consultants who are experts in their field and will provide objective advice while being independent.

Benefits to the consultant

The NZ Arb RC programme is designed to be the highest level of accreditation available for supervising and consulting arborists within New Zealand. Therefore, it is for those people wanting to achieve this level, improve the professional recognition of their industry and allow local and central governments, other professionals, and the general public, to recognise the high professional standards set by those receiving accreditation.


NZ Arb will promote the Registered Consultants programme through its social media networks, through its website and recommend the use of NZ Arb RC accredited arborists to the public and others who request advice.


An NZ Arb RC logo will be provided to all accredited members of the programme. The logo can be used on the individual’s letter head, social media, reports, and other documentation (subject to NZ Arb’s branding guidelines).


Technical documents will be available through the members portal and a discount on publications such as MIS documents will be provided to accredited Supervising Arborists and Registered Consultants.


About the programme

The programme is comprised of three tiers. It sets out a clear framework of abilities and expertise, with the prerequisites and assessments corresponding to each tier. Within the framework, there are achievable goals to enable members to move up to higher tiers in a stepwise fashion. It’s set up as a supportive environment and sets a clear career pathway for applicants to join in the first tier, and progressively make their way to the top if they choose to do so. 

At the core of the three-tiered model is NZ Arb’s mission statement - To encourage, foster, improve, and educate in all aspects of arboriculture throughout New Zealand. Ultimately, this approach seeks the wider improvement of arboricultural consultancy standards throughout New Zealand, by adopting a supportive and collaborative culture within the industry. 

Abot the programme
Tier 1 – Supervising Arborist

This is someone who can carry out basic tree surveys, assist consultants with data collection, supervise works around trees, carry out root pruning and implement or monitor resource consent conditions for tree protection on development sites. They're able to perform basic tree identification, health and condition assessments, identify common pests and diseases, make simple tree work recommendations and audit pruning work. In terms of written ability, they're able to produce simple yet coherent documentation such as arboricultural completion memos, to accompany the above work tasks. Supervising Arborists can demonstrate all the basic tasks to be able to work in the non-pruning part of the industry and take the first step towards being an effective consultant.

Tier 2 – Registered Consultant - Associate

This is someone who has a basic understanding of the standards for protection of trees on development sites, local tree protection rules, and can create site-specific tree protection management plans in a coherent and detailed report. They’ll also hold a recognised risk assessment qualification and be able to carry out tree inspections and tree risk assessments. A Registered Consultant in Tier 2 is someone who can provide rudimentary advice in the most common aspects of tree management practices in verbal and written form. Becoming a Registered Consultant in Tier 2 is the next step on the journey from a Supervising Arborist to becoming an effective, Registered Consultant in Tier 3.

Tier 3 – Registered Consultant - Fellow

This is someone who has a thorough understanding of the standards for protection of trees on development sites, local tree protection rules and Resource Management Act provisions, and has the ability to create site-specific tree protection management plans in a coherent and detailed report. They’ll also hold a recognised risk assessment qualification and have a thorough knowledge of tree risk assessments and biomechanics. They’ll be able to provide technical input into District Plans, industry standards, tree maintenance contracts, tree policies, strategies, and codes of practice, as well as being able to act confidently as an expert witness at Environment, Coroners or High Courts. They’re able to produce excellent written information for clients and other experts (inter and intradisciplinary) to the highest possible standard. They will actively train, mentor, and share their knowledge effectively with others.

Become a NZ Arb Registered Consultant

Learn about the application process and start your journey to becoming a registered consultant.

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