& Code of Conduct
The Constitution of NZ Arb is a specific set of rules for governing the Association. It defines the fundamental principles and establishes the structure, procedures, powers and duties of the Association and its members.
The NZ Arb Constitution contains the Code of Conduct, which is a guide outlining the responsibilities of, or proper practices for, the individuals or organisations that are members of NZ Arb (the Association)
The Code of Conduct
NZ Arb recognises that the manner in which members conduct business reflects upon the professionalism of the entire tree care industry and the arboriculture profession. Upon joining NZ Arb, the Association requires members to adhere to the following Code of Conduct (as detailed in the NZ Arb Constitution).
This code shall apply to all members of the Association professionally concerned with arboriculture including students and life members. The underlying principle is that public confidence in the service provided by members of the Association shall be enhanced and that no member shall conduct himself or herself in such a way that the member, the Association or the profession is brought into disrepute.
Minimum Standard: A member shall perform only those services which are within the member’s competence to perform.
Every member shall uphold the dignity of the profession and the Association and its other members.
Minimum Standard: No member will conduct that member’s technical arboricultural activities, business operations or civic responsibilities in a manner that may lower the status of the arboricultural profession, or so as to bring the profession into disrepute.
Minimum Standard: A member shall duly acknowledge any assistance from other members.
Members will further the interests of arboriculture by interchanging information and experience with other arborists and will actively contribute to the work of arboricultural associations, schools of instruction and publications.
Members will strive for increasing knowledge of arboriculture and will be instrumental in research and field tests of new equipment and tree maintenance techniques where feasible and appropriate.
Minimum Standard: Member arborists employed in public businesses shall when contracting with other arborists exercise fairness and impartiality.
Minimum Standard: A member will when serving as an expert witness on any matter relating to arboriculture base all testimony on an adequate knowledge of the subject and facts which are substantiated and shall render an opinion according to his or her honest convictions.
Minimum Standard: A member shall not voluntarily disclose any confidential information concerning the Association or its members.
Any member having evidence of the violation of this code of conduct by another member shall present such information by means of letter marked “confidential” to the Administration Officer of the Association.
General Requirements
Members of NZ Arb assume a responsibility to the industry, the public, the environment and their peers by ensuring they uphold and abide by the following general requirements:
Arborists have a responsibility to provide professional care of trees for current and future generations and therefore need to follow the best practices and standards, as defined in New Zealand. In that process, members shall conduct themselves and their business in an honest and dignified manner, adhering to the laws that govern them locally, nationally and internationally.
Since arboriculture is a very high profile profession, due to work often being carried out within the public domain, members need to act professionally to portray a positive image for the green industry and to promote the profession in general.
Health and safety, training, and education are considered extremely important to the Association. Members need to provide for the safety and training of themselves and for any employees to ensure a healthy work environment.
Members are expected to respect the views, ideas and contributions of their colleagues and peers. Open and honest communication, sharing of ideas and experiences has been a cornerstone of NZ Arb membership; fostering goodwill between organisations inside the Association and to the wider arboricultural industry.
Members of NZ Arb are urged to be active participants (at some stage of their membership) on committees and liaison positions (or similar positions within related organisations), and whenever possible to attend special meetings, AGMs and to reply to mail requests for information or such like. This is very important in allowing the Association to operate efficiently and effectively, while keeping all its members properly informed.