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Tree Healthcare and Biodiversity Workshop 2

15 May 2021
Friends Building

102 Hill Road, Auckland Botanic Gardens, Auckland

15 May 2021


Workshop 2: Myrtle Rust, Dutch Elm Disease and Ambrosia Beetle 

  • When: 8:30 am – 12:00 pm, Saturday 15 May 
  • Location: Friends Building, Auckland Botanic Gardens 
  • No Charge: Spaces limited – Registrations essential  

NZ Arb, in conjunction with Auckland Council and the Auckland Botanic Gardens, now invite you to register for the second workshop in the Tree Healthcare & Biosecurity Series.

Workshop Two Will Cover:

  • Myrtle rust factsheet update. A short presentation and discussion on the finalised factsheet, following input received in Workshop 1.
  • A recap on key points in identifying myrtle rust, its occurrence, and how to deal with the discovery of an infected tree.
  • Presentation from Landcare Research on myrtle rust research work.
  • Dutch elm disease – Simon Cook (Auckland Council) will talk about dutch elm disease and its impact on the elm tree population in Auckland, how to recognise it, and what to do if you find an infected tree. The disease poses a serious threat to all elm trees in NZ and arborists can play a vital role in helping to monitor the disease along with taking practical steps to stop its spread. It is currently only found in Auckland but is now very close to the borders of Northland and the Waikato.
  • Roanne Sutherland (Research Scientist, SCION) will present on the granulate ambrosia beetle. The beetle was first found in Auckland in 2019 and appears to have established a population in Auckland. The beetle is a significant threat to a wide range of exotic and potentially native trees. The session will be about the beetle, its life cycle, host tree species, and next steps.

Please Note:

  • Tea, coffee along with a light morning tea will be provided.
  • The session will start at 8:30 am, with a break at 10:50 am, and then the session will wrap up at midday.
  • Attendees are advised to bring warm clothing and a raincoat, as some of the session may be outdoors.
  • Spaces are strictly limited to 35 people. Registration is essential.
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