A Minimum Industry Standard for Tree Pruning
This document covers the work task of tree pruning, including a brief summary of the underpinning knowledge necessary to select and perform suitable pruning operations to achieve a variety of objectives. This document is not a ‘standalone’ document, and must be read in conjunction with other Minimum Industry Standards which describe safe arboricultural work practices.
About the MIS Series
This book is one in a series of Minimum Industry Standards (MIS) produced by Arboriculture Australia Ltd and the New Zealand Arboricultural Association in consultation with the national arboriculture community in both countries. These industry peer-reviewed documents provide a ‘body of knowledge’ which is shared by practitioners and can be used as the basis for training, dissemination of skills and professional development.
MIS308 – Tree Pruning (Non-Member Price)
Pruning trees
Introduction to tree pruning
How to use this Minimum Industry Standard
1: Pruning considerations
Tree health considerations
The tree as a living organism
Tree species
Foliage retention: loss of photosynthetic material
Tree growth habits
Pruning impacts: physiological impacts
Compartmentalisation and barriers to decay
Age and health of tree
- Pruning objectives by age class
Biosecurity and transmission of pathogens
- Examples of transmissible tree diseases
Timing of pruning operations
Tree structural considerations
The tree as a biomechanical structure
Axiom of uniform stress
Strategy of flexibility
Foliage distribution
- Foliage distribution: torsional failure
- Foliage distribution: mass damping
- Foliage distribution: interconnectedness and environmental exposure
Growth habit and structure
Branch and stem attachment
- Strength of branch and stem unions
- Co-dominant stems
- Crossing or rubbing branches
- Natural bracing
- Epicormic shoots
Ecological considerations
The tree as a keystone structure
The ecological value of deadwood
Retention of habitat
2: Pruning operations
Pruning specifications
R: Reduction pruning
Crown reduction
T: Crown thinning
AC: Asset clearance
Asset clearance: vegetation management around electrical conductors
Vegetation management around utility infrastructure
C: Crown lifting
RA: Risk abatement pruning
Risk abatement pruning practices
D: Deadwood removal
- Retaining deadwood in mature and veteran trees
WR: branch or stem weight reduction
- Weight reduction: thinning
- Weight reduction: reduction pruning
- Pruning classes for weight reduction
- Weight reduction pruning techniques
H: Remedial pruning
RT: Retrenchment pruning
Developing a retrenchment plan
Example retrenchment pruning plan: exotic species
Example retrenchment pruning plan: typical Australian species
F: Formative pruning
SP: Structural pruning
ER: Epiphyte / parasite and vine removal
P: Pollarding
PP: Palm pruning
Poor pruning practices
Lopping and topping
Flush cutting
Wound painting
3: Conducting pruning
Tree pruning permits and tree protection laws
Tools and equipment for tree pruning
Biosecurity measures
Clean On / Clean Off procedure
Tree access for pruning
Making pruning cuts
- Bad working positions
- Good working positions
Pruning cut sequence
- Cut sequence and branch behaviour
Pruning cuts
Branch reduction cuts
- Examples of incorrect branch reduction cuts
Stem reduction cuts
Branch removal cuts (living branches)
Branch removal cuts (deadwood)
Fracture pruning and coronet cuts
- Fracture pruning
- Fracture pruning techniques
- Coronet cuts
- Coronet cut techniques
Root pruning
Completing tree works
Processing debris
Completion of works
The care of trees