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MIS316 – Chipper Maintenance and Operation

A Minimum Industry Standard for chipper maintenance and operation


This book is one in a series of Minimum Industry Standards produced by Arboriculture Australia Ltd and the New Zealand Arboricultural Association in consultation with the national arboriculture community in both countries. These industry peer-reviewed documents provide a ‘body of knowledge’ which is shared by practitioners and can be used as the basis for training, dissemination of skills and professional development.


This standard covers the work tasks of selecting, maintaining, preparing, transporting and using mobile wood chippers for the processing of branches and timber as part of arboricultural and vegetation management tree work operations.


Industry partners.


The Minimum Industry Standard series was produced by Arboriculture Australia Ltd and the New Zealand Arboricultural Association in partnership with the following state and national industry bodies. The document bears their logos as a mark of ratification.

MIS316 – Chipper Maintenance and Operation

  • 1. Introduction


    2. Types of chipper

    • Choosing the most suitable chipper


    3. Components


    4. Maintenance and preparation

    • Daily checks
    • Weekly checks
    • Monthly checks
    • Checking and changing chipper knives
    • Checking the anvil clearance


    5. Scoping of works or work specifications

    • Chipped material
    • Selecting Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
    • Safe work method statements and risk control
    • Site Hazards
    • Emergency plan
    • Work instructions/work plan


    6. Operations

    • Preparing the site and materials
    • Preparing the material to chip
    • Pre-chipper checks before starting work
    • Chipper start up
    • Feeding in branches
    • Nominated Wood Chipper Operator (NWCO)
    • Winch operations
    • Shut down of chipper
    • Emergency shut down procedures


    7. Biosecurity and transmission of pathogens

    • Biosecurity measures
    • Clean On / Clean Off procedure


    8. Finishing a job

    • Site clean up
    • Cleaning off all tools and equipment
    • Performing basic maintenance
    • Updating the records of the operator usage in the log record
    • Liaising with the client
    • Recording the outcomes of the job


    9. Summary

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